On a more personal note I would like to say something about supplements. I have a myriad of complex and serious health issues. Friends, family, and strangers frequently try to advise that I use various supplements to be healthy. I usually try to politely dodge or ignore this kind of advice for a few simple reasons:
- Supplements do not go through the same process with the FDA as medications.
- Unless a doctor prescribes one they are better left alone.
- In many cases, such as vitamin supplements, it is a waste of money and just creates expensive urine.
- In other cases, such as medicinal supplements, it is easy to dose wrong or take something that interferes with other medications.
- People confuse the word supplement with natural and they confuse the word natural with safe.
- A chemical is a chemical is a chemical.
- If you are going to use a medicinal supplement it is no different than using a prescription drug when it comes to the precautions that should be taken.
That said, there are supplements I use that are a net gain for my health. They have been suggested and or prescribed by a doctor. Supplements for all intents and purposes are drugs and should be treated in the same manner. I don't think there is anything wrong with using them as part of a routine to maintain health, I just believe it is better to consult somebody with the proper education on the matter before taking them.