

Friday, May 15, 2020

The futile mask debate

I have been hassled a few times over wearing a face mask. They came at me angrily over misunderstood and debunked ideas around harm from Co2. They question my intelligence and claim it's not going to protect me.
I try to clarify that I'm not advocating that anyone should be masked from the time they leave home until they return home. Wearing one for confined public spaces or anytime you are within 6 feet of other people not of your household is more than sufficient.
As for whether it helps I completely understand that unless you are using an N95 (and you probably shouldn't be) your mask is likely only helpful in preventing others from getting something you may be carrying unwittingly, it doesn't do a lot for personal protection.
It's about stopping you from spreading SARS-Covis-2 specifically. You can have it and not know and you don't have to be symptomatic to spread it. This virus is more contagious and more dangerous than other respiratory viruses and we haven't had time to develop sufficient vaccines or treatment. I wouldn't recommend masking for flu or other less hazardous yet similar threats.
People then question my education because I am not a doctor in an effort to discredit what I'm saying. No, I'm not a doctor or even a medical professional, but I did work for 4 years as a caregiver for someone with a terminal illness which included training in hygiene and preventing the spread of disease to the vulnerable. I have extensive training in cross-contamination and PPE. I have 8+ years of past restaurant management experience and have worked in a supervisory capacity in a manufacturing environment processing vegetables and meats for restaurant, deli, and grocery distribution. Much of my workday involved preventing the spread of disease and other contaminants. You don't have to be a doctor to receive education in a subject and your google search for results that confirm your bias is not the same as my training and work experience.
Darin Byrd and Sherry Taylor