

Friday, September 8, 2017

Don't Blame left or Right, Blame Nihilism.

Image credit Johnny Silver Cloud

Historically there have been atrocities committed by leaders on the left that could be equivocated with the evil coming from the alt-right today and the various hate groups fueling it. Some even surpassed it.That said, none of them are American, none of them were evil simply because they were on the left part of the spectrum or relevant to this situation with opposition of hate groups coming from the left in America today. 

They were Authoritarian's and nihilists and used the doctrine of the left to support their acts and could have just as easily done so from the right given the proper political climate. Authoritarians are loyal to themselves, not a party or ideology.

Nazi type movements come from the extreme authoritarian right. They are nationalist in nature. Hitler used some socialist measures when it suited his purpose (it's actually called populism which works from both sides), but you could hardly call him a left wing tyrant. My history teachers in college usually placed him on the extreme end of the authoritarian right (as opposed to libertarian right or either end of the left).

Let us not try to disqualify the arguments of Democrats or Republicans solely on the basis of what historical figures have done around the world. If you look at the spectrum properly you will see that no politician in power today has become extreme enough in action to be place near  Mao, Stalin or Hitler. 

The Alt-Right, White Nationalists, Neo Nazis, and KKK have given their aid and support to the election of #45 and the Republican party, they are making a lot of hateful noise, and they are actually getting violent. This is a problem. It doesn't make moderate Republicans or even #45 Nazis, but it needs to be addressed. 

Being complicate with these groups is almost as bad as joining them, but not all or even most Republicans are complicate with them. Many prominent Republicans have rightly and justly spoken out against these groups. The alt-right may have appeared to hijack the republican party for now with the last election, but #45 hasn't shown any loyalty to any particular group or ideal to be honest. The danger in #45 is his nihilist nature, not the alt-right supporting him.

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