

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Open Letter to My Family & Friends

Dear Family & Friends,

Negative issues and thoughts can be difficult to cope with but the healthy way to deal with them is to acknowledge them rather than suppress them. Once you have acknowledged them you can set them aside and focus on positive changes. It isn't easy but it can be done. Part of the way I am going to re-train the way I'm thinking is going to be to express these issues, but also acknowledge the good, or God's grace by my beliefs, in difficult situations. It will be important as well to acknowledge people and circumstances that I am grateful even when at my lowest.
Today I want to acknowledge that I am grateful for my Grandmother, Jan Fleetwood. She has been a role model my whole life. She has been a prime example of how to be respectful and courteous to others. She is kind and has always been there for others in time of need. She has been there for me when I had nowhere to turn more times than I can count, even when I didn’t deserve it. I thank God for everyday on this earth he gives her because she enriches and improves the lives of anyone around her. She is a strong, intelligent, and loving person that treats others with respect. I have never heard or seen a hateful word from her towards anybody. She has my love and my respect. She always will.
It is with a heavy heart that I admit I owe her an apology. I have made some comments and said some things online regarding politics and other issues without properly identifying what groups I was speaking of or being appropriately selective with my audience. My words could have been very easily construed by those that voted for and support our President as lumping them in with hate groups. I should not have done this and I do not believe that she is the type of person that could be described in the manner I described some of these other people. I am truly sorry and regardless of who anybody votes for I do not believe that they are bad or unintelligent people solely because of the way they choose to vote. I enjoy the debate, but do not want to do so at the expense of people I truly care for like my grandmother.
I will continue to work for what I believe, debate and discuss with those willing to, and be passionate about my ideals and beliefs. I wont however do it in a way that is hurtful to those that have loved and supported me. I will choose my words carefully to be both accurate and less divisive. I want to find common ground, and I can’t do that if I drive others away. We are all in this together. I need to practice what I preach and show tolerance and love for others.


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