

Monday, April 25, 2016

Marijuana is Unlawful in Every State of the U.S.

I am so sick of pot smokers implying a lot of tripe that I never said. A few pot smokers that I know go ape crap when I point out that despite local laws Marijuana use is still unlawful everywhere in the USA. They need to just back off a little. Pointing out the glaringly obvious federal legal issue looming overhead during an election season is not the same as making statements on whether marijuana use should be unlawful or on it's actual validity as a medication. It isn't a claim that hemp shouldn't be used in manufacturing. It is not a claim that smoking it to get high is it's only use or delivery method.   

I don't with the law. I don't choose not to use it because of the law. Simply put, I choose not to use it because I don't need it and because recreational drug use often leads to addiction and health problems. This is true of Marijuana use as any other drug despite the claims of some users. It's safety compared to alcohol or other drugs isn't the issue. Less harmful for recreational use is still not much of a distinction because recreational use of any drug is harmful enough to be avoided. If I had a condition that was best suited to treatment with marijuana that would be different, but I don't. 

I don't care if you choose to use it or not. Some people have gone off half cocked when I point out the quasi-legal status about denying children with seizures nessacary medication being something I would do. That is rubbish. Pointing out a law isn't the same as supporting it. I wouldn't ever suggest denying a child medication for serious illness. 

If you aren't inflicting it on me or others I don't give a flying frack what you do. I don't support nanny state legislation restricting people's rights for fear of making stupid personal choices that don't affect others. I think it is stupid and unhealthy to use it for recreation but if you aren't getting behind the wheel and killing somebody in a car wreck while high or causing other problems to the public as a result of your drug use I don't give a crap. Go ahead and kill yourself slowly. It's none of my business and I don't want to waste tax money on trying to stop you.

I don't support the current DEA classification and I do believe marijuana has valid medical uses. I'm not starting a fight with pot smokers, but some pot smokers are starting a fight with me with their condescending over reactions and assumptions about my stance on the legality of marijuana use as it stands right now in the USA. I just am just pointing out that what they view as legal could very easily be trampled on at anytime. I am pointing it out because people need to get off their ass and push for change at a federal level as well if they truly want it to be legal.

The federal law is valid from a legal perspective and does supersede the states, even if it is crappy and needs to be changed. The ones going off half cocked at people that point out that it still isn't fixed make themselves part of the problem. All that frustration is being directed to the wrong place. Their dislike of the federal law or lack of compliance where they live isn't the same as it being legal.The claims of a lack of federal police because it is legal are rubbish. I guess they have never heard of the DEA or the FBI that both have offices and officers in their states. Federal agents aren't forcing compliance with federal law at this time regarding marijuana use in some states, but any federal election could put people in office that change that.  I believe recreational use of marijuana is harmful and that the legality is questionable. That doesn't mean I support it being unlawful. Get over it. 

I get told that I'm not educated on the matter and that i need to get my facts straight. Well sorry, but I am educated and I do have my facts straight. I have been told that I don't have any experience or knowledge on the matter and that I just need to shut up. Guess what? I do have a lot of experience and knowledge on this subject. You can't know me, know what I believe, and know what I have done simply because I point out the federal law supersedes local law in this matter. Anybody that graduated or even dropped out of high school in the USA should know this.

I have written to senators, representatives, and other elected officials about getting the DEA classification changed. I have provided donations to organizations pushing for medical and industrial use of the plant. Suggestion that I am compliant because I don't smoke it are rubbish. 

If you don't support the federal law, what have you done for the cause? Using it isn't the same as doing something about the laws. It isn't protest, and it doesn't give you any moral high ground in the matter. Get off your couch, put down the bong and the potato chips. Do something about instead of blasting me for saying it isn't legal.

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